George Hoffman to L. C. Skinner


George Hoffman to L. C. Skinner


Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum










with George Hoffman letter 12/2/64

Camp Douglas, Chicago, Ill's,

November, the 19th, 1864.


I, George Hoffman, a private of Barnes' Georgia Battery, would respectfully represent that I was forcibly enlisted in the Confederate service on the 12th of May, 1862, at Atlanta, Georgia; and forced to take up arms against the Government of the United States, against my free will and consent, as I have always maintained the principles of a true and loyal Union man.

I would further represent that I was captured at Cumberland Gap, Tennessee, on the 9th of September, 1863, by the forces under the Command of General Burnside, - and, further, I do not desire to be returned South in Exchange, but most respectfully ask that permission be granted me to take the Oath of Allegiance to the United States, and to enjoy the privileges of an American Citizen. - I would, also, represent that at present I am employed as Clerk in the Office of the Surgeon on the post; and that I have made Application for the Oath of Allegiance last November, 1863, and not having heard further from it, I make a renewal of my Application.

I am, Sir,

Very Respectfully, &c.

George Hoffman,

Barnes' Ga. Battery.

To Lieut. Col. L. C. Skinner,

Commissary prisoners.


Original forwarded to Com Gen Prisoners

Washington DC Nov 30, 1864


Camp Douglas, Chicago, Ill's,

November 19th 1864.

George Hoffman, a prisoner of War, & a private in Barnes' Georgia Battery applies for Oath of Allegiance.

Post Hospital, Camp Douglas, Ill

Nov 24th 1864.

The within named man has been on duty in this office for over a month, and during that time has proved himself to be prompt and faithful in the performance of his duties, and I have every reason to beleive him to be sincere in the application to take the Oath of Allegiance

A. M. Sigmund

Asst Surg [Ass?]

I cordially endorse the above endorsement of Asst Surg Sigmund

C. L. Whitehill

Surg [Ass?] in charge

Office Inspector Gen [Pred?]

Camp Dougle Ill

Nov 25th 1864

Respectfully forwarded with the information that the within name Prison Geo Hoffman has been employ in the Express office and is writing application for other prisoners untill he was detailed a the Post Hospital i have known him since March 1864 and believe him to be a man that should be released on the oath.

Wells Sponable Capt [illegible]

Inspector Genl [Prin?]



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