William Shanks to Richard Yates



William Shanks to Richard Yates


Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum










Springfield Illinois Nov 12 1860

Kind Sir I take the libert of writting you a fue lines I have been about five years with Governer WH Bissell and am now in the famlie with Ms Bissell and Sha is prepairing to remove from the house and proble sha will not need me after removing excuse mee for taking the liberty of asking you for to bee your Servant I am well aquaint in the house about the gass and the furnissess for heating the house I am a Scotchman and is Single and of studey habits and am a prodestant with reffrience to mye character the State officrs now mee well I am anxicous to bee your Servant if you bee pleased to take mee I will bee readey at aneytime Say about the last of this year Ms Bissell can tell you about mye character at aneytime you would like to see her I was with Bissell in Washington two Sessions with

Governer WH Bissell when hee was member of congress and carries him into the house everey daye that the house was in session  I have been his first man in his Sickness and his last man in Sickness till hee dies ecpting a little time I went back to Scotland to see mye friends I thought not to come back to America but hee wrote to mee pleading for mee to return thee lettar I have inclosed for to read also a small pice cut out of newspapers about the Governers death and about his servants I refer to yourself what ever wages you like to give mee  I can bee seen aney daye at Governers house legislator appropiates certain sum evreye session for to keep upp thee garden and others things about the place  the money is laid aside for Governer to paye out as hee thinks fit and the gass his free postage Stamps and paper as much as hee likes to use if you would bee so kind as send mee back the lettar and printed paper for its the onley

the onley keepsake I have of his memory I hope you will excuse mee if I have Sais anyething amiss in this lettar will you bee so kind as lett mee now if you would need mee for if Mistres Bissell gows to Boarding if sha cant get a house in springfield sha will have to board in Hotell and I will bee out of a place if you want aney fire wood bought in for the house I could get it here for you to have it readey for you when you come to the house the fureness Burn coal to heat all thee house I must conclude mye lettar yours truly & affectionaty

William Shanks

of Springfield


Wm Shanks




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